In addition to monthly or one-time gifts, there are many different ways to give to WR.
Gifts of stocks
Gifts from Donor Advised Funds
Qualified Charitable Distributions and
Employer Matching
One of the most advantageous ways to contribute is through a gift of stock. Making a gift of securities is simple and offers a number of valuable financial benefits:
You can donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds
The total value of the stock upon transfer is tax-deductible
There is no obligation to pay any capital gains taxes on the appreciation
If you would like to make a stock donation, have questions, or need additional information please contact Michelle Emmons or 541-913-4318.
Donor Advised Funds
You can make a gift to Willamette Riverkeeper through your Donor Advised Fund (DAF). DAFs can be easily set up through a community foundation or your financial institution to serve as a flexible charitable giving vehicle. Please contact your local community foundation or financial advisor for specific advice about how to establish a DAF.
If you already have a DAF through an organization that participates in DAF Direct, you can donate directly to Willamette Riverkeeper: Willamette Riverkeeper | 454 Willamette Street #218, Eugene, OR 97401
Qualified Charitable Distributions
Individuals 70-1/2 or older may donate up to $100,000 per tax year directly from an IRA to charities such as Willamette Riverkeeper. Qualified Charitable Distributions may be excluded from income and will qualify towards the donor’s required minimum distribution.
Your institution should make the check out to “Willamette Riverkeeper” and identify you as the donor by name and address.
Mail to: Willamette Riverkeeper | 454 Willamette Street, Eugene, OR 97401
Matching Gifts & Workplace Giving
Matching gifts and workplace giving programs are two ways to increase the impact of your donation. Company matching programs will double or even triple the impact of your gift and will sometimes also match donations made by spouses, retirees, and board members.
Willamette Riverkeeper is proud to partner with EarthShare Oregon to help us raise money for our programs. You can check with your HR office to see if your workplace participates, if not, you can work with EarthShare Oregon to get them started today!
Make a Tribute Gift
Make a donation in memory of someone or to commemorate a holiday, birthday, wedding, or other special occasion. A tribute letter will be sent to the person(s) you designate and an acknowledgment letter will be sent to you. This letter serves as your tax receipt.
Because of increased volume at the end of the year, please submit all tribute gifts requiring a printed notice by December 5th to ensure receipt by December 25th.
You can make a tribute donation in one of the following ways:
Donate online by credit or debit card
Print and mail us the Tribute Contribution Form to:
Willamette Riverkeeper
454 Willamette Street #218, Eugene, OR 97401
Please note:
It can take up to four weeks for your tribute notification letter to arrive in the recipient's mailbox.
When you make a tribute donation, the amount of your gift is shown only on your tax receipt. The recipient will receive a separate acknowledgment letter without the amount of the contribution. You may also request to remain anonymous.