The River Guardians Program works throughout the Willamette basin in partnership with local communities to report and clean up the immense amount of debris found in our river and on its banks. The program runs across all 187 miles of the Willamette mainstem and sections of its tributaries, with monthly cleanups in Portland, Salem, Corvallis, Eugene-Springfield, and surrounding areas.
River monitoring is completed on a regular basis by volunteers, and once a month cleanups are focused on problem areas identified by local citizens, volunteers, land managers, and other stakeholders. The River Guardians Program emphasizes solutions-based actions aimed at protecting and restoring a healthy riparian environment, ultimately serving all people (directly and indirectly) who live along and in the Willamette River Basin, which makes up 70% of Oregon’s population and houses all its major cities.
The River Guardians Program has increased stakeholder collaboration, community engagement, clean water advocacy, and cleanup efforts to help address the massive increase in riverside impacts due to population growth, industry, pollution, and a growing houseless presence in riparian areas.
The River Guardians Program was first started in 2001, and ran through 2007. This model had folks “adopt” sections of the Willamette. Over time, WR’s efforts began to focus on restoration, and this approach was put to rest as WR focused on riparian habitat enhancement and clean water advocacy.
In 2015, River Guardians Program re-emerged, engaging people in community cleanup events as well as monitoring, serving as extra “eyes and ears” on the river, principally in Eugene and Springfield. More recently, our cleanup events have expended to Corvallis, Albany, Salem and Portland. Moving forward WR be expanding monitoring efforts in these areas as well.
There are several ways to become a River Guardians volunteer! For general information, including monitoring efforts, river cleanups or providing public testimony in support of clean water and healthy river initiatives in your area, please connect with our staff in your region:
Michelle Emmons, Upper Watershed (Eugene-Springfield)
Kyla Basher, Central Watershed (Corvallis-Albany)
Annette Pearson, Lower Watershed (Salem-Portland)
A few notes to consider:
If you regularly walk, bike , or paddle along the Willamette River, you may choose to “adopt” a stretch of your route to help us document wildlife, aquatic invasive plant species, and identify other possible water quality issues.
Willamette Riverkeeper hosts cleanup events on land and on water. Some cleanups also have a restoration component, such as invasive weed removal, native plantings, or mulching.
For most on-water cleanups Willamette Riverkeeper provides participants an opportunity to reserve a seat in rafts or canoes, along with all cleanup and safety gear, including a PFD. Participants are also welcome to bring their own boat and gear.
Regularly scheduled cleanups happen every second Tuesday of the month in Eugene-Springfield, every third Thursday in Corvallis, and once a month in the Salem/Portlan area April - October. Additional cleanups may be implemented depending on the need.
Note that cleanup events may be postponed due to inclement weather or safety concerns with high water flows.
For more information on volunteer opportunities throughout the basin please visit our event calendar.
You can also partner with Willamette Riverkeeper as a Business Sponsor - let us help you organize a cleanup for your organization or company, or join us for one of our basin-wide cleanup events, such as Spring for your River or Great Willamette Cleanup (see Annual Willamette Watershed Cleanup Events below), or a regular River Guardians monthly cleanup! Email us for more information!
Annual Willamette Watershed Cleanup Events
Join us in the spring (April and May) for Spring for your River and/or the Great Willamette Cleanup in fall, (October) when cleanups take place all month long in various locations throughout the watershed.