Your donation enables Willamette Riverkeeper to achieve meaningful gains in the protection & restoration of our mighty Willamette River through Riverkeeper programs & initiatives.
Clean River
River Enforcement of the Clean Water Act throughout the river system
Advocating for a robust clean up of the Portland Harbor Superfund site
Combatting of invasive, ecologically harmful species like rapidly spreading aquatic weeds
Restoration of habitats, benefitting increasingly threatened wildlife & healthy river function
River Guardian
Organization of clean up efforts to remove unhealthy & unsightly trash from our riverbanks
Great Willamette Clean-Up
River Discovery
Connect the community to the Willamette through on-the-water education and recreation experiences promoting stewardship
Willamette Water Trail
Enhance your experience of the Water Trail through improved signage, access, and online information sources such as the website and social media
Membership Levels* & Benefits are listed below - please contact our Development Director, Heather King, with any questions.
Western Pearlshell - Individual Member ($50 - $99)
Waived Paddle Fees for 1 Year
Chinook - Family Membership ($100 - $249)
Waived Paddle Fees for you +1 for one year
Osprey - Leadership Circle ($250 - $499)
Waived Paddle Fees for you +1 for one year
Pure Mussel or Love Your Willamette Tee
Oregon White Oak - Major Donor ($500 - $999)
Waived Paddle Fees for you +1 for one year
Pure Mussel or Love Your Willamette Tee
Copy of Willamette River Field Guide
Sturgeon - Major Donor - ($1000 - $4999)
Waived Paddle Fees for you +1 for one year
Pure Mussel or Love Your Willamette Tee
Copy of Willamette River Field Guide
2 tickets to the wild and scenic film festival
10% off Paddle Oregon (1 person)
Kingfisher - Major Donor ($5000 and Above)
Waived Paddle Fees for you +1 for one year
Pure Mussel or Love Your Willamette Tee
Copy of Willamette River Field Guide
2 tickets to the wild and scenic film festival
10% off Paddle Oregon (1 person)
Day Paddle Trip +3 led by Riverkeeper
* All membership levels and benefits were updated and go into effect as of May 1, 2018. All donations received at previous level will be honored for one year from date of donation.
Donate online or mail a check to: Willamette Riverkeeper | 1515 SE Water Ave #102
Portland, OR 97214